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Friday Face Painting "Pageant"

It's Back for 2016!


Ready to have a roaring good time this fall? 


On Friday we invite you to join the show staff, officials and hopefully all other participants in spending the day glorified in character!  Horses too!


Whether you are just going to be a spectator or you're getting your suit and chaps on we want you to have you face painted when you walk into the showplex on Friday!


Just think of the wild pictures you'll get to take home from this horse show! Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh boy! 


We encourage you to be as creative as you'd like with this, whether you are decked out like a pumpkin or glittered up like a fairy godmother we hope to see everyone in character on Friday, even if it's just a few whiskers painted our your cheeks! We will have a face painter there to make your visions a reality, or paint your own!


And who knows what kind of prize we'll have in store for the judges favorite face ;)


Imagination has no age!

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